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Public Records Requests

The following are guidelines for accessing public records from the Anaheim Union School District under the California Public Records Act, Section 6250 of the Government Code.


Submitting Requests

All requests should be directed to the Public Information Office for coordination.  Public records requests may be submitted via the following email address:


Processing Requests

In accordance with the California Public Records Act, all inquiries will be responded to within the legally required timeframes.  Within 10 business days of receipt of the records request, the District will respond indicating the availability of records requested and a timeline of when the requested records will be available.  In certain circumstances, the District will notify the requestor if there is a delay in making such determination.  The District may request additional information if the record request is not specific enough to permit identification.  If the request is for voluminous records, the requestor will be notified of any additional length of time it may take to process the request.  


Copying Fees

The District will make every attempt to provide requested documents in electronic format if available. If the District is unable to provide an electronic format, the District may charge per page for the requested records.  


Exempt Records

The Legislature has established that certain categories of records may be exempt from public disclosure.  These exemptions balance the public's right to access public records against the individuals' right of privacy and the need for government to competently perform its statutory duties.

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